Zambia on a double-side road map from South African publishers International Motoring Productions with GPS waypoints for selected road junctions, small towns or settlements, places of interest and recommended accommodation.
The map, one of a series of similar maps covering countries and selected regions of southern Africa, has rather simple cartography with somewhat basic elevation tinting, occasional spot heights. Rivers, lakes and dams, swamps, and names of mountain ranges and flats are shown, with protected areas highlighted.
Roads are classified as national, major, minor or 4WD tracks and show driving distances on main routes and locations of fuel stations. Border crossings to the neighbouring countries indicate opening times. Railways and local airfields are marked and symbols indicate various places of interest and accommodation.
The map includes lists of GPS waypoints for selected towns and villages, as well as for important road junctions. Recommended accommodation, including campsites, inns, lodges, etc, is also shown with GPS coordinates, as well as contact details and symbols indicating various facilities available there.