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Montenegro - Crna Gora e Albania nord
Gizi Map | Geographical | Budapest | 13 x 24 - 120 x 88 | 1:250.000

Montenegro - Crna Gora e Albania nord


Montenegro and Northern Albania at 1:200,000 from Gizi Map with the publisher’s characteristic, vivid presentation of the topography through bold altitude colouring, an index of localities, plus street plans of central Podgorica, Herceg Novi, Cetinje, Budva, Kotor and Shkodër. Coverage within Albania extends south to Lezhë and RRëshen. 

Bold altitude colouring plus names of mountain ranges, peaks, etc, and additional spot heights presents the topography; the map also shows the boundaries of national parks and other protected areas. Road network is graded in six types, including selected country tracks, and shows driving distances on main and on some smaller roads, plus locations of border crossings. Special cycling routes are highlighted. Railway lines and ferry routes are included and local airports are marked. Symbols highlight various places of interest, including exceptional natural sites. The map has latitude lines at 10’ intervals, with longitude at 15’. The index is on the reverse and includes locations in the neighbouring countries. Street plans of central Podgorica, Herceg Novi, Cetinje, Budva, Kotor and Shkodër indicate principal traffic arteries and highlight important buildings. Map legend includes English. 



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