


Carte escursionistiche, carte stradali e atlanti, cartografia d'Italia e di tutto il mondo. Carte dei sentieri, cartografia per il cicloturismo e mountain bike


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From Palermo to Messina across the mountains
Terre di mezzo | Davide Comunale | Milano | 3/2020 | pagine 128 | 11,5 x 21

From Palermo to Messina across the mountains

370 km on foot between the Tyrrhenian and the Ionian Seas

On foot in a land of emirs and knights, following in the footsteps of The Great Count Roger I and Emperor Charles V.

From Palermo to Messina in 20 days, among Norman fortresses, arabesque domes, nature reserves and gastronomic delicacies, to discover Sicily’s Apennines, peppered with beautiful villages and surprising views of the sea.

A historic route across the top of the Madonie mountains, the Nebrodi forests and the peaks of the Peloritani, to the Strait, the island’s ancient gateway to the East.

The official guide with all the essential information to get walking: detailed maps, elevation, differences in altitude, a step-by-step description of the route and where to stay the night. Additionally, historical and cultural insights, and the most significant locations to visit.

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€ 18.05
invece di € 19.00
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Corriere espresso € 5.50
spedito in 3/7 giorni
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