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Tasmania Experience
Lonely Planet | Edizione inglese | Victoria | 11/2022 | pages 258 | 13 x 20

Tasmania Experience

Inside Lonely Planet's Experience Tasmania:

Unique experiences to string together an unforgettable trip

Inspiring full-colour travel photography and maps throughout

Highlights and trip builders to help tailor a trip to your personal needs and interests

Fresh perspectives to surprise you with things you hadn't thought of, as well as fresh takes on the well-known sights

Insider tips help you discover hidden gems and get around like a local

Expert insights take you to the heart of the place - food, wildlife, hiking, cycling, history, cultural attractions, breweries & distilleries

Practical info and tips on money, getting around, unique and local ways to stay, and responsible travel

Covers Hobart, the Tasman Peninsula, Port Arthur, the Southeast, Midlands, the Highlands, Bay of Fires, the East Coast, Launceston, Tamar Valley, Devonport, the Northwest, Cradle Country

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€ 23.75
invece di € 25.00
- 1 +
spedizione :: Italia
Corriere espresso € 5.50
mediamente spedito in 15/30 giorni
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