The coast of Montenegro at 1:100,000 on a detailed, contoured and GPS compatible road map from Kartografija in Ljubljana, with on the reverse bilingual descriptions of numerous places of interest illustrated with colour photographs.
The map has contours at 40m intervals plus altitude colouring and relief shading, with spot heights for local peaks. Road network includes country tracks, shows locations of petrol stations and gives distances on main and on selected smaller routes. Railway lines are marked, and the map also highlights selected local hiking trails. Picturesque locations are prominently highlighted and symbols indicate various places of interest, campsites and nudist camps, etc. Also marked are coastal locations with marinas, yachting harbours and nautical fuel supplies. The map has latitude and longitude lines at intervals of 5’.
The reverse side is covered with bilingual descriptions of the area’s places of interest, illustrated with colour photos. Map legend and the text include English.